Summer 2008

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Summer 2008

Name: Scot

Date of Sighting: Mid summer 2008

Location of Sighting: Edmonton Alberta

Number of UFO(s), including the Color(s), Size(s) and Shape(s):

Object: 1

Color: grey or silver, shined in the light. Reflected the sky.

Size: thought it was a kite at first, but was much farther away that initially thought. As bit as a small jet, or 1Medium size plane.

Shape: chevron like a boomerang.

Distance of UFO(s) in sky: At first thought, only about 2-3 blocks away. After watching for about 3-4 minutes it’s movements proved to to have been much bigger and farther. At first 2-3 km away. Then watched travel nearly to the horizon. And up into the sky.

Direction of Travel for UFO(s): Doing a sideways figure 8 for several minutes, then traveled S before turning sharply ENE then took a hard turn nearly straight up and disappeared from sight.

Other Known Object(s) (For possible reference, or contrast): A small single propeller plane. The object was bigger.

Further Description of Sighting: I was sitting on my back steps on the North side of Edmonton, talking to a friend on the phone in late afternoon. Looking due east, I observed a silvery chevron shaped object doing figure 8s in the sky, not spinning, but travelling like a plane.

It was about a full hands length above the trees and other houses across the way. I thought at first that it was a large profession stunt kite being flown in the field about 3 blocks away. Suddenly, while on the bottom right curve of the sideways 8 it didn’t continue but instead began traveling straight, slightly away from me and toward the south.

After only a few seconds, I realized there was a small plane traveling north toward the object, as if it had just taken off at the airport, about 3 Km away. Still thinking it was a kite, I recall being afraid that the controller was wearing a harness and was being dragged by the wind, I remember thinking that this must have been a huge kite and was so high, that the plane may get caught in the cords.

The object turned sharply (still as if being pulled) toward the East, slightly towards the north. The plane passed. The “kite”, now in the distance, had obviously been much bigger and farther than I had thought, it seemed 2-3 times the size of the plane and had actually turned toward the north east to avoid it. At this point, I was standing on the porch screaming the play by play into the ear on the other end of the phone call.

After several seconds, a large commercial passenger plane came into view low over the horizon traveling south (likely inbound to Edmonton Int. Airport). The object was heading in its direction but pulled upward sharply, without slowing down. It continued up into the blue sky until I couldn’t see it anymore.

Petersburg, Alaska, USA; Summer 2008

Name: Melinda Sweet

Date of Sighting: Summer 2008; July 8, 2009; July 19, 2009

Location of Sighting: Petersburg Alaska

Further Description of Sighting: Last Summer 2008, while gazing over Tonka Mountain in the town of Petersburg Alaska I saw a bright light moving accross the sky. At first I thot it was a fly over plane to Anchorage. I watched it and it dimmed down and disappeared.

This summer July 8th, 2009 I was taking my 18 year old son and his friend Kenny to the Ferry Terminal at 12:30 in the middle of the night. My 13 year old daughter was with us as well. We looked up at 2 bright stars in the sky and commented on them as they were so close together and so bright. Then one dimmed down and then the other dimmed down. Then the first one went out and then the second one went out. It was a perfectly clear night with no cloud cover at all. We were elated as I have been scanning the skys ever since my first sighting last summer.

A week later I saw lights that dimmed and disappeared again in the same part of the sky, south of the town of Petersburg.

Then just last week about July 19, 2009 or so, my daughter was standing at the sink of our boat brushing her teeth before bed. We are commercial fishers and live in the harbor while in port. She saw again in the southern part of the sky a bright light. She thought it might be a reflection as sometimes lights reflect off the windows, so she opened the window to gaze directly at the light. First it dimmed down and then it became brighter, then it dimmed down again and disappeared entirely.

I have been scanning the skys endlessly since my first sighting and am convinced Petersburg Alaska frequently if not constantly has a UFO presence watching it.

Thanks for listening.

Maine, USA; Summer 2008

Name: S. M.

Date of Sighting: summer 08 to fall 09 (current)

Location of Sighting: Maine… all over the state

Shape(s) of UFO(s): circular

Size(s) of UFO(s): unknown

Color(s) of UFO(s): flashing rainbow colors when looked at through binoculars, kind of spinning

Number of UFO(s): at least 4 at a time

Distance of UFO(s) in sky: Way up, not close to the ground.

Direction of Travel for UFO(s): circular pattern, kind of a slow slight subtle spiral

Other Known Object(s) (For possible reference, or contrast):

Further Description of Sighting: Not a plane or helicopter, not a satellite. Asked a professor he said possibly the ‘Doppler effect’ but I don’t think so. They weren’t planets, and weren’t on any star chart. People in various parts of the state saw them as well. Sometimes they’re in the sky sometimes they aren’t. On the discovery channel, there was a show about UFO’s. At least 4 other states have multiple reports of similar objects. I went to an area with no light pollution and they were ridiculously bright, and you could see them spiraling and spinning.

If you do contact a witness, please be respectful to them.

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