Maine, USA; 1987

Name: john del rossi

Date of Sighting: 1987 time between 5:30 an 6:oo?

Location of Sighting: maine/newhampshire Ma.

Shape(s) of UFO(s): diamond shaped with bridge under nieth

Size(s) of UFO(s): around size of neranburg maybe alittle smaller

Color(s) of UFO(s): grey

Number of UFO(s): one

Distance of UFO(s) in sky: not sure

Direction of Travel for UFO(s): tward newhanpshire

Other Known Object(s) (For possible reference, or contrast): yes but seperate experiance 1969 round glowing balls or disks 4

Further Description of Sighting: stoped over tree line.had contact at leasted the one I spoke with under stood english asked if I wanted to go with them.I choose to stay.human looking but not and there maybe a dangerouse element for some people in going with them,like death sorry but that what I gathered from the conversation.

they are peaceful as far as I can see,Mind communication is how we conversed.We may have been taken abourd some unacounted time hade past.they can move at great speeds unhumanly and maybe or have something to due with africa or eygipt,and isrial,bible related possibly,spiritual in some ways.

you have my email leave number and I will call you if further interested.thank you john.

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